Penrith Golf Hub
This is where I first learnt to swing a golf club, and I always look forward to visiting there as much as possible.
Andrew Pickering is my golf coach, and he has helped me improve my game so much in the last year, he has set me some big goals for 2023 so lots of hard work coming up during the off season.
There are loads of great things to do at PHG from Top Tracer where this helps me practice, playing loads of courses with lots of games and challenges to practicing on the 9-hole course and using the outdoor chipping and putting areas.
Golf Coach
This is me with my golf coach Andrew after completing my silver award via the PGH Junior golf program.
It was hard, he assessed all parts of my golf game from putting, chipping, short and long Irons and Driving as well as having to post a score round the PGH golf course.
I passed, so now onto the next level.
Putting Coach
This is where I want to improve the most.
Putting I love the most and this is where I think I can make the most improvements in my game.
Nick Sharples from PGH has made such a huge difference to my putting routine, even just after one lesson with lots to think about and learn.
Putt to the picture